
We tell you the source and origin of every single ingredient we use at Medera


We use only Australian Certified Organic preservatives at Medera, so you can rest easy knowing your skincare is safe.


Every formula is made with a deep understanding of naturopathy, herbalism, chemistry, and biology.


No waste, small batch, and hand crafted in regional Australia to care for you and the environment

60g herbal tea

STFU Monkey Mind


About this

This is quietude... in a jar. This is a botanical break from the monkey in the mind that doesn't stop talking. This is the nice way to tell that monkey to shut up. It's also the delicious way. This is a home herbal's best weapon against a stressed mind.

About you

When something stressful happens to you, you come straight home and repeat the story to your family or housemates. Then you call all your other friends and tell them what happened. You can't live stress once. You live it over and over and over again. You know when you need to calm it down but you don't know how. Now you have a weapon.


Key Features

  • Calms a talkative mind 
  • Increased focus
  • Adaptogenic
  • Relaxing to the nervous system

STFU Monkey Mind is quiet in nature. Medera Apothecary knows that the incessant noise of the monkey in the mind is exhausting, and so the nature of this tea is to gently silence that monkey.


STFU Monkey Mind has an earthy, slightly sweet, and floral taste. Lemon balm, californian poppy, and passionflower impart a light, earthly, floral taste, while heavier notes such as brahmi make it taste fuller and richer. Chinese date seed adds a dash of sweetness.


The herbs chosen for STFU Monkey Mind are all calming, anxiety-reducing herbs. Lemon balm, passionflower, and californian poppy are all very slightly sedative, anxiolytic, and relaxing to the nervous system.

Chinese date seed is chosen for its effects on cognition and brahmi is added for its adaotogenic qualities.

Together, these herbs create a quiet, calming experience.


STFU Monkey Mind can be used to quieten down a nervous or over-talkative mind. It can be used every day to keep a busy mind at bay or it can be used in a moment of stress. It can also just be used to find a moment of silence in the day.

The information on this page is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice. For personal blends or an herbal consultation, reach out through the Contact page.


STFU Monkey Mind is for people prone to restless thinking, worrying, and anxiety. It can be used by adults at any stage of life but is not intended to be consumed by children or infants. STFU Monkey Mind contains herbs that are typically well tolerated but please check the ingredient list for known allergies.


Can be consumed at any time of the day as a daily remedy for an anxious mind, or can be used as a moment of quietude in a stressful situation. Best used as a tool for collecting oneself in a quiet space. STFU Monkey Mind can be used before bed.


To consume, pour 150ml boiling water over 1-2 heaped tablespoons of STFU Monkey Mind. Allow to steep for at least 5 minutes to extract the bioactive compounds. Strain and consume.

  • Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower)
  • Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm)
  • Chinese date seed (Zizyphus jujube)
  • Escholzia californica (Californian poppy)
  • Bacopa moniera (Brahmi)

All ingredients are 100% traceable and unadulterated. Medera aims to manufacture products with ingredients and supplies from Australia. However, some herbs are not grown locally or are not grown to organic standards. Therefore, Medera sometimes uses herbs of non-Australian origin. Medera is 100% transparent about the sourcing of each and every ingredient in each and every product.

Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower) is grown in VIC and NSW, Australia and is Australian certified organic.

Bacopa moniera (Brahmi) is grown in VIC and NSW, Australia and is Australian certified organic.

Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm) is grown in Italy and is Australian certified organic.

Zizyphus jujube (Chinese date seed) is grown in China.

Escholzia californica (Californian poppy) is grown in Italy and is Australian certified organic.

Medera's biophotonic glass jars are manufactured in Switzerland and sourced from Australian suppliers.

One of the beautiful things about shopping for botanical products at Medera is that you can do a beautiful thing for the world and the environment.

Medera's product comes to you with absolutely zero plastic. Every last detail of Medera's packaging is plastic-free:

  • Biophotonic glass jars
  • Compostable bubble mailers
  • Cardboard shipping boxes
  • Greenwrap or biodegradable bubble wrap
  • Compostable sticky tape

Medera makes a huge effort to purchase from suppliers that also boycott plastic so that Medera doesn't produce a lot of waste making products for its customers.

Medera chose biophotonic glass jars for its packaging because of its unique ability to block UV light. UV light degrades compounds in botanical materials, especially aromatic ones. Oils are also prone to rancidity after exposure to UV light. Biophotonic glass jars mean that your jar of tea or body oil can sit right on the bench without being compromised by light (such as what happens with amber bottles). They should be reused when you've finished indulging in their insides because they're high quality glassware.

All compostable packaging products can be composted at home. Simply use them the exact same way you would compost your green waste, and they will break down into organic biomass. The Greenwrap can be recycled like any other cardboard.

We think about every step in the manufacture process and try to innovate a new way of doing things at every step of the way. We know that every part of the manufacture process has a footprint including transport, packaging and delivery. We aim to reduce that footprint in every way possible — and we're always excited to tell you how we did it.

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